Papers sorted by Author's Last Name (* are Abstract without Paper)

194 - Using Technology to Enhance Undergraduate Learning In Large Engineering Classes

John Abbitt T5-A

*195 - Introducing Statistical Analysis in Experimental Data Collection in an Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

John Abbitt T1-E

172 - A Multi-Level Curriculum in Digital Instrumentation and Control based on Field Programmable Gate Array Technology  

Mohamed Abdelrahman T3-C

147 - A Strategic Case of Infusing Sustainability and Integrative Education in a Korean High School Pre-Engineering Course   

Yonghan Ahn T3-B

174 - Newsvendor Problem Simulation of Operations

Hassan Alfadhli T2-D

181 - Pilot: Extra Credit-Incented Collaborative Learning & Reflection in an Engineering Graphics Course                     

Yosef Allam T4-A

*119 - K-12 STEM Outreach Pilot: Autonomous Quadcopter Assembled and Tested By Middle School Students

Yosef Allam T3-B

*119 - K-12 STEM Outreach Pilot: Autonomous Quadcopter Assembled and Tested By Middle School Students          

Jamil Anaguano T3-B

174 - Newsvendor Problem Simulation of Operations

Leticia H. Anaya T2-D

193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model

Margaret-Avis Rabah Aoufi T3-C

138 - Reynolds Transport Theorem Applied to Classical Thermodynamics

John Baker T1-E

102 - Implementing the Design-Build-Instrument-Test Approach for Curriculum Integration in Engineering Technology

Aaron K. Ball T2-D

135 - Introducing Technical Communication through Science Fiction: A Freshman Seminar              

Amy Barton T3-E

127 - Understanding Barriers to Engineering as a Career Choice for Appalachian Youth: Investigating the “heart” of the Region           

Matthew Boynton T3-B

*169 – Structures and Natural Disasters

Andrew T. Brammer T1-B

192 - Using the Toolbox Approach with Mathcad Prime 2.0 in a Computer Applications Course

Kenneth P. Brannan T1-D

187 - Real-World Design Challenges - A Crucial Component of STEM Teaching and Learning  

Colin Britcher T4-B

159 - Ten Years Experience with a Multi-University Collaborative Graduate Education Program 

Colin P. Britcher T1-C

193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model

Stefanie Brodie T3-C

175 - Engineering of Beer: Hard Work of Too Much Fun?   

Monika Bubacz T1-A

177 - The New Frontier of Education:  The Impact of Smartphone Technology in the Classroom  

Jessica L. Buck T1-A

145 - Modeling Groundwater Flow Experiment

Daniel Bunei T4-D

125 - A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Peer Ratings in Engineering Design Teams 

Joan M. Burtner T5-A

138 - Reynolds Transport Theorem Applied to Classical Thermodynamics

David Calamas T1-E

140 - Project Haiti 2012: Providing an Experiential Learning Experience Through the Design and Delivery of a Water Purifier in Haiti

Johnathon Camp T5-B

188 - Ethics and Biomedical Informatics: a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Yu Cao T3-E

193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model

Christopher Cappelli T3-C

127 - Understanding Barriers to Engineering as a Career Choice for Appalachian Youth: Investigating the “heart” of the Region

Cheryl Carrico T3-B

*195 - Introducing Statistical Analysis in Experimental Data Collection in an Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Bruce Carroll T1-E

194 - Using Technology to Enhance Undergraduate Learning In Large Engineering Classes

Bruce Carroll T5-A

196 - Humorous Improvisation Tailored for Technical Innovation

Richard Catrambone T5-C

*114 - Determination of Building Envelope and Duct System Integrity through the Quantification of Air Flow Leakage Rates

Robert Choate T1-E

112 - Use of Facebook Group Feature to Promote Student Collaboration

Anthony Choi T3-C

*104 - Engineering Education – Past, Present and Future Outcomes                            

Marcos Chu T4-B

203 - Using College Student Competitions to Recruit Middle-School Students to Engineering: The Visual Display Competition at the ASCE 2011 Southeast Student Conference

Steven M. Click T2-B

140 - Project Haiti 2012: Providing an Experiential Learning Experience Through the Design and Delivery of a Water Purifier in Haiti

Marc Compere T5-B

129 - Using Future Engineers Camps to Advance STEM in Western North Carolina 

Sidney G. Connor T4-B

*162 - Using Engineering, Science and Literacy to Improve Math Understanding 

Kay Cowan T2-B

105 - Engineering Summer Camp for High School Students from Underserved Communities

K. Csavina T4-B

*162 - Using Engineering, Science and Literacy to Improve Math Understanding 

Betsy Darken T2-B

*137 - Engineering Conceptual Design Approach for Pre-College Students 

Shannon Davis T1-B

113 - Integrating Research Experience into Entry Level Electrical Engineering Graduate Courses

Ilteris Demirkiran T5-C

103 - Biovolatilization, a Different way to Gasify Biomass     

David Domermuth T2-E

161 - Transfer Student Retention

F. Carroll Dougherty T2-C

202 Teaching Physical Properties of Water using Hydraulics 

Tabatha Dye T2-B

172 - A Multi-Level Curriculum in Digital Instrumentation and Control based on Field Programmable Gate Array Technology   

Omar Elkeelany T3-C

*162 - Using Engineering, Science and Literacy to Improve Math Understanding 

Louis Elliott T2-B

140 - Project Haiti 2012: Providing an Experiential Learning Experience Through the Design and Delivery of a Water Purifier in Haiti

Kyle Fennesy T5-B

111 -  Residential emergency solar power in western North Carolina 

George Ford T2-E

193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model

Laurie Garrow T3-C

185 - A Case Study Comparing the Container Shipping Industry in the US and Panama

Matt Gathof T4-D

*178 - The Role of a Freshmen Programming Course for Engineers on Student Success                                                     

Priya T. Goeser T1-A

*205 - Integrating a Design Project into an Undergraduate Mechanics of Materials Course

Hartley T. Grandin, Jr. T4-C

159 - Ten Years Experience with a Multi-University Collaborative Graduate Education Program 

Bernard M. Grossman T1-C

144 - An Interactive Tool for Visually Presenting Conic Sections to STEM Students  

Gregory N. Hartman T4-A

*114 - Determination of Building Envelope and Duct System Integrity through the Quantification of Air Flow Leakage Rates

Justin Hayes T1-E

*137 - Engineering Conceptual Design Approach for Pre-College Students 

Ziette Hayes T1-B

130 - Impact on Retention from a Change In Undergraduate Computing Curricula     

Lisa Henderson T1-C

138 - Reynolds Transport Theorem Applied to Classical Thermodynamics

Alan Hewitt T1-E

120 - Using Animations to Enhance Understanding of Energy System Concepts   

B. K. Hodge T2-E

136 - The Future of Course Work: Customizing Community College Curricula to Meet Industrial Needs 

Steve Hollifield T1-C

193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model

Susan Hotle T3-C

160 - Novel First Year Engineering Summer Session     

Kuang-Ting Hsiao T2-C

141 - Science Technology Engineering Program (STEP)  Summer Camp for K-12 Students

Wanjun Hu T1-B

150 - Encouraging Undergraduate Engineering Students to Generate Research and Design Publications

Sinjae Hyun T3-D

171 - Process Analyzing of the Vortex Tube and The Teaching and Learning of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Joel Ingram T2-E

136 - The Future of Course Work: Customizing Community College Curricula to Meet Industrial Needs 

Jo James T1-C

130 - Impact on Retention from a Change In Undergraduate Computing Curricula     

T.J. Jankun-Kelly T1-C

187 - Real-World Design Challenges - A Crucial Component of STEM Teaching and Learning 

Rebecca Jaramillo T4-B

161 - Transfer Student Retention

Gail D. Jefferson T2-C

160 - Novel First Year Engineering Summer Session     

Gail D. Jefferson T2-C

152 - The Final Exam – To Have or Have Not      

Hodge Jenkins T2-A

150 - Encouraging Undergraduate Engineering Students to Generate Research and Design Publications

Hodge Jenkins T3-D

175 - Engineering of Beer: Hard Work of Too Much Fun?   

Hodge Jenkins T1-A

202 Teaching Physical Properties of Water using Hydraulics 

Pauline Johnson T2-B

*178 - The Role of a Freshmen Programming Course for Engineers on Student Success                

Wayne M. Johnson T1-A

142 - The Use of a Fundamentals of Engineering Course to Enhance the Capstone Experience 

David W. Johnstone T1-C

144 - An Interactive Tool for Visually Presenting Conic Sections to STEM Students  

David W. Johnstone T4-A

193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model

Lauren Jones T3-C

131 - Sustainable development: Understanding How Things Break 

J. Brian Jordon T1-A

*169 – Structures and Natural Disasters

J. Brian Jordon T1-B

144 - An Interactive Tool for Visually Presenting Conic Sections to STEM Students  

Daniel S. Joseph T4-A

171 - Process Analyzing of the Vortex Tube and The Teaching and Learning of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Kian Jost T2-E

134 - Confessions of a novice Class Room Technology (CRT) user - Through the eyes of a new faculty member   

Alfred Kalyanapu T1-D

117 Teaching Adult Engineering Learners – Ease and Challenges

Adeel Khalid T2-A

115 - Improving Student Interest in Engineering Curricula – Exciting Students about their Classes

Adeel Khalid T2-A

116 - Advising Engineering Students – Demands and Challenges 

Adeel Khalid T2-C

106 - The Impact of Non-Traditional Laboratory Report Formats on Student Performance of Course Objectives

T. Kunberger T1-D

105 - Engineering Summer Camp for High School Students from Underserved Communities

T. Kunberger T4-B

151 - Simple Demonstrations in Basic Mechanics Courses                    

Richard Kunz T1-E

148 - Research Trends and Priorities in K-12 STEM Outreach   

Hyuksoo Kwon T3-B

147 - A Strategic Case of Infusing Sustainability and Integrative Education in a Korean High School Pre-Engineering Course

Hyuksoo Kwon T3-B

150 - Encouraging Undergraduate Engineering Students to Generate Research and Design Publications

Laura W. Lackey T3-D

130 - Impact on Retention from a Change In Undergraduate Computing Curricula     

Sarah Lee T1-C

196 - Humorous Improvisation Tailored for Technical Innovation

Lew Lefton T5-C

179 - Building a Community of Successful Technology Scholars            

Laura E. LeMire T2-D

150 - Encouraging Undergraduate Engineering Students to Generate Research and Design Publications

Michael Leonard T3-D

196 - Humorous Improvisation Tailored for Technical Innovation

Peter Ludovice T5-C

193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model

Brittany Luken T3-C

148 - Research Trends and Priorities in K-12 STEM Outreach   

Laura Luna T3-B

*200 - Transforming Undergraduate Laboratories for Sustainable Engineering – Expanding the use of case studies and project based learning in laboratory courses

Stephanie Luster-Teasley T2-A

120 - Using Animations to Enhance Understanding of Energy System Concepts

Govinda Mahajan T2-E

148 - Research Trends and Priorities in K-12 STEM Outreach     

Twanelle Majors T3-B

192 - Using the Toolbox Approach with Mathcad Prime 2.0 in a Computer Applications Course

Kaitlin H. Marley T1-D

127 - Understanding Barriers to Engineering as a Career Choice for Appalachian Youth: Investigating the “heart” of the Region

Holly Matusovich T3-B

171 - Process Analyzing of the Vortex Tube and The Teaching and Learning of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Kenneth Mayo T2-E

175 - Engineering of Beer: Hard Work of Too Much Fun?   

Philip McCreanor T1-A

150 - Encouraging Undergraduate Engineering Students to Generate Research and Design Publications         

Philip T. McCreanor T3-D

188 - Ethics and Biomedical Informatics: a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Claire L. McCullough T3-E

131 - Sustainable development: Understanding How Things Break 

Robert R. McCullough T1-A

136 - The Future of Course Work: Customizing Community College Curricula to Meet Industrial Needs 

William L. McDaniel T1-C

129 - Using Future Engineers Camps to Advance STEM in Western North Carolina 

William L. McDaniel T4-B

153 - Compressive Strength Analysis of Mortar Mixes Consisting of Recycled Plastics

John W. McDonald T4-D

177 - The New Frontier of Education:  The Impact of Smartphone Technology in the Classroom  

Elizabeth McInnis T1-A

148 - Research Trends and Priorities in K-12 STEM Outreach   

Jennifer Meadow T3-B

125 - A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Peer Ratings in Engineering Design Teams 

Richard O. Mines, Jr. T5-A

192 - Using the Toolbox Approach with Mathcad Prime 2.0 in a Computer Applications Course

John A. Murden T1-D

189 - Student and Faculty Impressions of an Online Computer Based Signal Processing Lab

Thomas Murphy T5-A

*137 - Engineering Conceptual Design Approach for Pre-College Students

Otsebele Nare T1-B

142 - The Use of a Fundamentals of Engineering Course to Enhance the Capstone Experience 

Charles D. Newhouse T1-C

153 - Compressive Strength Analysis of Mortar Mixes Consisting of Recycled Plastics

Charles D. Newhouse T4-D

186 - Analyzing Time to Student Course Withdrawal Patterns for Predictive Modeling       

Gillian M. Nicholls T3-D

*178 - The Role of a Freshmen Programming Course for Engineers on Student Success                

Delana A. Nivens T1-A

124 - Measuring engineering students’ conceptual and empirical understanding of sustainability

Adebayo Ogundipe T5-C

157 - Modern Drone Warfare: An Ethical Analysis

Joshua Olson T5-B

*225 - Overview of Next Generation Science Standards for K-12: What impact on K-12 Engineering Outreach?          

Sally Pardue T2-B

127 - Understanding Barriers to Engineering as a Career Choice for Appalachian Youth: Investigating the “heart” of the Region

Marie Paretti T3-B

136 - The Future of Course Work: Customizing Community College Curricula to Meet Industrial Needs 

Chester Peeler T1-C

124 - Measuring engineering students’ conceptual and empirical understanding of sustainability

Olga Pierrakos T5-C

140 - Project Haiti 2012: Providing an Experiential Learning Experience Through the Design and Delivery of a Water Purifier in Haiti

Shavin Pinto T5-B

156 - An Ethical Approach to Hydraulic Fracturing 

Andrew Potter T3-E

177 - The New Frontier of Education:  The Impact of Smartphone Technology in the Classroom  

Casey Randolph T1-A

156 - An Ethical Approach to Hydraulic Fracturing 

M. H. Rashid T3-E

157 - Modern Drone Warfare: An Ethical Analysis

Muhammad Rashid T5-B

130 - Impact on Retention from a Change In Undergraduate Computing Curricula     

Donna S. Reese T1-C

*205 - Integrating a Design Project into an Undergraduate Mechanics of Materials Course   

Joseph J. Rencis T4-C

165 - Shaft Deflection—A Very, Very Long Example

Michael W. Renfro T4-C

*137 - Engineering Conceptual Design Approach for Pre-College Students 

Michael Reynolds T1-B

183 - Logistical Impact of Intermodal Facilities 

MD Sarder T1-D

152 - The Final Exam – To Have or Have Not      

Scott Schultz T2-A

144 - An Interactive Tool for Visually Presenting Conic Sections to STEM Students  

Troy J. Siemers T4-A

141 - Science Technology Engineering Program (STEP)  Summer Camp for K-12 Students

Atin Sinha T1-B

144 - An Interactive Tool for Visually Presenting Conic Sections to STEM Students  

James C. Squire T4-A

161 - Transfer Student Retention

Sally Steadman T2-C

160 - Novel First Year Engineering Summer Session     

Sally Steadman T2-C

117 Teaching Adult Engineering Learners – Ease and Challenges

Beth Stutzmann T2-A

111 -  Residential emergency solar power in western North Carolina 

Sung Joon Suk T2-E

185 - A Case Study Comparing the Container Shipping Industry in the US and Panama

Tulio Sulbaran T4-D

183 - Logistical Impact of Intermodal Facilities 

Tulio Sulbaran T1-D

144 - An Interactive Tool for Visually Presenting Conic Sections to STEM Students  

Matthew K. Swenty T4-A

140 - Project Haiti 2012: Providing an Experiential Learning Experience Through the Design and Delivery of a Water Purifier in Haiti

Yan Tang T5-B

161 - Transfer Student Retention

Tom G. Thomas T2-C

160 - Novel First Year Engineering Summer Session     

Tom G. Thomas T2-C

136 - The Future of Course Work: Customizing Community College Curricula to Meet Industrial Needs 

Amber C. Thompson T1-C

138 - Reynolds Transport Theorem Applied to Classical Thermodynamics

Beth Todd T1-E

*169 – Structures and Natural Disasters

Beth Todd T1-B

145 - Modeling Groundwater Flow Experiment

Beth Todd T4-D

202 Teaching Physical Properties of Water using Hydraulics 

Beth Todd T2-B

170 – Solar Ovens       

Beth A. Todd T1-B

131 - Sustainable development: Understanding How Things Break 

Beth A. Todd T1-A

171 - Process Analyzing of the Vortex Tube and The Teaching and Learning of Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Don Van T2-E

182 - An Engineering Elective on Energy Resources

Shih-Liang (Sid) Wang T4-C

*200 - Transforming Undergraduate Laboratories for Sustainable Engineering – Expanding the use of case studies and project based learning in laboratory courses

Cindy Waters T2-A

170 – Solar Ovens                                                

Joseph L. Waters T1-B

128 - Novel Design for the Total Replacement of Finger and Toe Joints 

Andrew Weems T4-C

143 - Positive and Negative Motivators and Their Effect on Engineering Student Success 

S. Michael Wells T3-D

143 - Positive and Negative Motivators and Their Effect on Engineering Student Success 

Sabrina D. Wells T3-D

*162 - Using Engineering, Science and Literacy to Improve Math Understanding 

Cecelia M. Wigal T2-B

189 - Student and Faculty Impressions of an Online Computer Based Signal Processing Lab

Christopher Williams T5-A

116 - Advising Engineering Students – Demands and Challenges 

Jessica Williamson T2-C

*166 - Math Requirements and Expectations for Lower Division Engineering

Christopher D. Wilson T2-C

165 - Shaft Deflection—A Very, Very Long Example

Christopher D. Wilson T4-C

140 - Project Haiti 2012: Providing an Experiential Learning Experience Through the Design and Delivery of a Water Purifier in Haiti

Yung Wong


113 - Integrating Research Experience into Entry Level Electrical Engineering Graduate Courses           

Thomas Yang T5-C

102 - Implementing the Design-Build-Instrument-Test Approach for Curriculum Integration in Engineering Technology

Paul M. Yanik T2-D

199 - Engaging Students in Electromagnetics Through Hands-On Skills and Computer Simulation         

Zhaoxian Zhou T2-D

105 - Engineering Summer Camp for High School Students from Underserved Communities

L. Zidek T4-B