Technical Session 1 Monday, March 11, 2013 10:20am – 11:40am
10:20am – 11:40am |
Technical Session 1 |
Instructional Division I |
K-12Division I |
Administrative. Division I |
Civil Eng. Division I |
Mechanical Engineering Division I |
Moderator: |
Shih-Liang (Sid) Wang
Atin K. Sinha |
Donna Reese |
Ken Brannan |
Robert Choate |
T1–A: Instructional Division I
175 - Engineering of Beer: Hard Work of Too Much Fun?
Monika Bubacz, Philip McCreanor, Hodge Jenkins
177 - The New
Frontier of Education: The Impact of Smartphone Technology in the Classroom
Jessica L. Buck, Elizabeth McInnis, Casey Randolph
*178 - The
Role of a Freshmen Programming Course for Engineers on Student Success
Priya T. Goeser, Wayne M. Johnson and Delana A. Nivens
131 - Sustainable development: Understanding How Things Break
Robert R. McCullough, Beth A. Todd, J. Brian Jordon
T1–B: K-12 Division I
*137 -
Engineering Conceptual Design Approach for Pre-College Students
Otsebele Nare, Ziette Hayes, Michael Reynolds, and
Shannon Davis
141 - Science
Technology Engineering Program (STEP) Summer Camp for K-12 Students
Atin Sinha and Wanjun Hu
*169 –
Structures and Natural Disasters
Andrew T. Brammer, Beth Todd, and J. Brian Jordon
170 – Solar
Joseph L. Waters an, Beth A.Todd
T1–C: Administrative Division I
159 - Ten
Years Experience with a Multi-University Collaborative Graduate Education
Colin P. Britcher, Bernard M. Grossman
142 - The Use
of a Fundamentals of Engineering Course to Enhance the Capstone Experience
David W. Johnstone, Charles D. Newhouse
136 -
The Future of Course Work: Customizing Community College Curricula to Meet
Industrial Needs
Amber C. Thompson, William L. McDaniel, Jo James, Chester Peeler, Steve
130 - Impact on Retention from a Change In Undergraduate Computing
Donna S. Reese, T.J. Jankun-Kelly, Lisa Henderson and Sarah Lee
T1–D: Civil Engineering Division I
183 -
Logistical Impact of Intermodal Facilities
Tulio Sulbaran, MD Sarder
134 -
Confessions of a novice Class Room Technology (CRT) user - Through the eyes of
a new faculty member
Alfred Kalyanapu
106 - The
Impact of Non-Traditional Laboratory Report Formats on Student Performance of
Course Objectives
T. Kunberger
192 - Using
the Toolbox Approach with Mathcad Prime 2.0 in a Computer Applications Course
Kenneth P. Brannan, Kaitlin H. Marley, John A. Murden
T1–E: Mechanical Engineering
*195 - Introducing Statistical Analysis in Experimental Data
Collection in an Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Bruce Carroll, John Abbitt
138 - Reynolds Transport Theorem Applied to Classical
David Calamas, Alan Hewitt, John Baker and Beth Todd
*114 -
Determination of Building Envelope and Duct System Integrity through the
Quantification of Air Flow Leakage Rates
Justin Hayes and Robert Choate
151 - Simple
Demonstrations in Basic Mechanics Courses
Richard Kunz
Technical Session 2 Monday, March 11, 2013 2:15pm – 3:35pm
2:15 pm – 3:35 pm |
T2-A |
T2-B |
T2-C |
T2-D |
T2-E |
Technical Session 2 |
K-12 Division II |
Administrative Division II |
Engineering Technology Division |
Monika Bubacz |
Sally Pardue |
Atin K. Sinha |
Jerry Newman |
Don Van |
T2–A: Instructional Division II
115 - Improving Student Interest in Engineering Curricula – Exciting
Students about their Classes
Adeel Khalid
117 Teaching Adult Engineering Learners – Ease and Challenges
Adeel Khalid and Beth Stutzmann
*200 -
Transforming Undergraduate Laboratories for Sustainable Engineering – Expanding
the use of case studies and project based learning in laboratory courses
Stephanie Luster-Teasley and Cindy Waters
152 - The
Final Exam – To Have or Have Not
Hodge Jenkins and Scott Schultz
T2–B: K-12 II
*162 - Using
Engineering, Science and Literacy to Improve Math Understanding
Cecelia M. Wigal, Kay Cowan, Louis Elliott, Betsy Darken
202 Teaching
Physical Properties of Water using Hydraulics
Tabatha Dye, Beth Todd, and Pauline Johnson
203 - Using
College Student Competitions to Recruit Middle-School Students to Engineering:
The Visual Display Competition at the ASCE 2011 Southeast Student Conference
Steven M. Click
*225 -
Overview of Next Generation Science Standards for K-12: What impact on K-12
Engineering Outreach?
Sally Pardue
T2–C: Administrative Division II
160 - Novel
First Year Engineering Summer Session
Gail D. Jefferson, Sally Steadman, Tom G. Thomas, Kuang-Ting Hsiao
161 -
Transfer Student Retention
Gail D. Jefferson, F. Carroll Dougherty, Sally Steadman, Tom G. Thomas
116 - Advising Engineering Students – Demands and Challenges
Adeel Khalid, Jessica Williamson
*166 - Math
Requirements and Expectations for Lower Division Engineering
Christopher D. Wilson
T2–D: Computer Engineering and Technology Division
174 - Newsvendor Problem Simulation of Operations
Hassan Alfadhli and Leticia H. Anaya
199 - Engaging
Students in Electromagnetics Through Hands-On Skills and Computer Simulation
Zhaoxian Zhou
102 - Implementing the Design-Build-Instrument-Test Approach for Curriculum
Integration in Engineering Technology
Paul M. Yanik and Aaron K. Ball
179 -
Building a Community of Successful Technology Scholars
Laura E. LeMire
T2–E: Mechanical Engineering Division II
111 -
Residential emergency solar power in western North Carolina
George Ford and Sung Joon Suk
120 - Using
Animations to Enhance Understanding of Energy System Concepts
B. K. Hodge and Govinda Mahajan
103 - Biovolatilization, a Different way to Gasify Biomass
David Domermuth
171 - Process
Analyzing of the Vortex Tube and The Teaching and Learning of Energy Efficiency
and Sustainability
Don Van, Joel Ingram, Kenneth Mayo and Kian Jost
Technical Session 3 Monday, March 11, 2013 3:50pm – 5:10pm
03:50 pm – 05:10 pm |
T3-A |
T3-B |
T3-C |
T3-D |
T3-E |
Technical Session 3 |
Research. Division I |
Professional Skills Division I |
Moderator: |
Sally Pardue |
Randy Smith |
Gillian Nicholls |
Adeel Khalid |
T3–B: K-12 Division III
*119 - K-12
STEM Outreach Pilot: Autonomous Quadcopter Assembled and Tested By Middle
School Students
Jamil Anaguano and Yosef Allam
127 -
Understanding Barriers to Engineering as a Career Choice for Appalachian Youth:
Investigating the “heart” of the Region
Matthew Boynton, Cheryl Carrico, Marie Paretti, and
Holly Matusovich
147 - A
Strategic Case of Infusing Sustainability and Integrative Education
in a Korean High School Pre-Engineering Course
Yonghan Ahn and Hyuksoo Kwon
148 - Research Trends and Priorities in K-12 STEM Outreach
Twanelle Majors, Jennifer Meadow, Laura Luna, Hyuksoo Kwon
T3–C: Computer/Software Division
193 - Formulation and Development of the Wasson Systems Engineering Process Model
Brittany Luken, Susan Hotle, Laurie Garrow, Christopher Cappelli, Lauren
Jones, Stefanie Brodie, Margaret-Avis Rabah Aoufi
112 - Use of
Facebook Group Feature to Promote Student Collaboration
Anthony Choi
172 - A
Multi-Level Curriculum in Digital Instrumentation and Control based on Field
Programmable Gate Array Technology
Omar Elkeelany and Mohamed Abdelrahman
T3–D: Research Division I
143 - Positive and Negative Motivators and Their Effect on Engineering Student
S. Michael Wells, Sabrina D. Wells
- Encouraging Undergraduate Engineering Students to Generate Research and
Design Publications
Philip T. McCreanor, Laura W. Lackey, Hodge Jenkins, Michael Leonard, Sinjae
- Analyzing Time to Student Course Withdrawal Patterns for Predictive Modeling
Gillian M. Nicholls
T3–E: Professional Skills Division I
- Introducing Technical Communication through Science Fiction: A Freshman
Amy Barton
- Ethics and Biomedical Informatics: a Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Claire L. McCullough and Yu Cao
- An Ethical Approach to Hydraulic Fracturing
Andrew Potter and M. H. Rashid
Technical Session 4 Tuesday,
March 12, 2013
8:45am – 10:05am
8:45 am – |
Technical Session 4 |
Engineering Graphics Division |
K-12 Division IV |
Mechanical Engineering Division III |
Civil Engineering Division II |
Moderator: |
Priya Goeser
Claire McCullough |
Monika Bubacz |
Michael Woo |
T4–A: Engineering Graphics Division
- An Interactive Tool for Visually Presenting Conic Sections to STEM Students
Matthew K. Swenty, Gregory N. Hartman, David W. Johnstone, Daniel S. Joseph,
Troy J. Siemers,
and James C. Squire
- Pilot: Extra Credit-Incented Collaborative Learning & Reflection in an
Engineering Graphics Course
Yosef Allam
T4–B: K-12 Division IV
- Engineering Summer Camp for High School Students from Underserved Communities
T. Kunberger, K. Csavina, and L. Zidek
- Engineering Education – Past, Present and Future Outcomes
Marcos Chu
- Real-World Design Challenges - A Crucial Component of STEM Teaching and
Rebecca Jaramillo and Colin Britcher
- Using Future Engineers Camps to Advance STEM in Western North Carolina
William L. McDaniel and Sidney G. Connor
T4–C: Mechanical Engineering Division III
- An Engineering Elective on Energy Resources
Shih-Liang (Sid) Wang
- Novel Design for the Total Replacement of Finger and Toe Joints
Andrew Weems
- Shaft Deflection—A Very, Very Long Example
Christopher D. Wilson and Michael W. Renfro
- Integrating a Design Project into an Undergraduate Mechanics of Materials
Joseph J. Rencis and Hartley T. Grandin, Jr.
T4–D: Civil Engineering Division II
- Compressive Strength Analysis of Mortar Mixes Consisting of Recycled Plastics
John W. McDonald , Charles D. Newhouse
- Modeling Groundwater Flow Experiment
Daniel Bunei, Beth Todd
- A Case Study Comparing the Container Shipping Industry in the US and Panama
Tulio Sulbaran, Ph.D ; Matt Gathof
Technical Session 5 Tuesday, March 12, 2013 10:25am – 11:45am
10:25 am – 11:45 am |
Technical Session 5 |
Instructional Division III |
Professional Skills Division II |
Moderator: |
Richard Mines |
Richard Kunz |
Gillian Nicholls |
T5–A: Instructional Division III
- A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Peer Ratings in
Engineering Design Teams
Richard O. Mines, Jr. and Joan M. Burtner
- Student and Faculty Impressions of an Online Computer Based Signal Processing
Thomas Murphy and Christopher Williams
- Using Technology to Enhance Undergraduate Learning In Large Engineering
John Abbitt and Bruce Carroll
T5–B: Professional Skills Division II
- Modern Drone Warfare: An Ethical Analysis
Joshua Olson and Dr. Muhammad Rashid
- Project Haiti 2012: Providing an Experiential Learning Experience Through the Design and Delivery of a Water Purifier in Haiti
Yung Wong, Johnathon Camp, Shavin Pinto, Kyle Fennesy, Marc Compere, Yan Tang
T5–C: Research Division II
- Humorous Improvisation Tailored for Technical Innovation
Peter Ludovice, Lew Lefton, Richard Catrambone
- Measuring engineering students’ conceptual and empirical understanding of
Adebayo Ogundipe and Olga Pierrakos
- Integrating Research Experience into Entry Level Electrical Engineering
Graduate Courses
Thomas Yang and Ilteris Demirkiran