Technical Session Unit/Division Name of Paper - Click on link to see Paper. (Extended Abstracts are marked with * and are not published in the Proceedings) Author Paper Code
T4-A Instructional Unit 1. An Art Class for Engineers Snider, Arthur David 2006002SNI
2. Talking & Working for Diversity When You Don't Belong to a Minority Demographic Minerick, Adrienne R.
Allen, Ebonye-Rosa T.
Elmore, Bill B.
3. Using Case Studies to Bring Real World Situations into the Engineering Course Learning Environment Lawrence, Thomas M. 2006062LAW

4. Projects and Deliverables used in a Freshman Engineering Design Course*


McCreanor, Philip T. 2006063MCC
T4-B Engineering Technology 1. Using the Great Teachers Model for Engineering Technology Faculty Renewal: A Strategy that Works McDaniel, William L.
Smith, Steven L.
2. Implementing a National Competition Design Project as a Capstone Course at Middle Tennessee State University Foroudastan, Saeed
Anderton, Michael B.

3. Biomedical Engineering Technology As An Option In EET


Asgill, Austin B. 2006077ASG
T4-C Administrative Unit 1. Development and Implementation of an Introductory Course on Engineering and Public Policy Green, Robert A.
Emison, Gerald A.

2. Image Summer Bridge: A Model of Recruitment and Retention of Students of Color in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics*


Stevenson, Tommy 2006032STE
T4-D Engineering Design Graphics 1. Multi-Media Interactive Self-directed CAD Application Tool for the Building Construction Student* Abaza, Hussein F. 2006046ABA

2. Integrated Laboratory Instruction on CAD/CAM and Robotics at MUSE


Radharamanan, R. 2006085RAD
T5-A Instructional Unit 1. Information Literacy: A Critical Component in Engineering Practice in the Twenty-First Century McCullough, Claire L. 2006049MCC
2. Aerospace-Focused Multidisciplinary Project-Based Introductory Engineering Course Wilson, Timothy A.
Davids, Lisa K.
Eastlake, Charles N.
Ladesic, James G.
Behi, Farahzad
Fugler, Mark D.
Quinn, Paul L.
Lehr, Steven R.
Grant, Christopher D.

3. USFKAD: An Expert System for Partial Differential Equations


Snider, Arthur David
Kadamani, Sami
T5-B Research 1. Fulfilling Mentors' Expectations: An REU Site Experience Labrador, Miguel A.
Pérez, Rafael
2. Project-Based Learning: An Evaluation from Student Perspective* Effiong, Chris 2006075EFF
3. Increasing Student Participation in the Technical Program at Professional Conferences* Silverstein, David L. 2006080SIL

4. The Student Perspective on the State of Complex Systems in Australian and American Mechanical Engineering Programs


Kellam, Nadia
Mann, Llewellyn
Addison, Veronica
Maher, Michelle
Radcliffe, David
Peters, Wally
T5-C Mechanical Engineering 1. Effect of Boundary Conditions on Two-Dimensional Temperature Distribution in a Transformer Yeh, P. S. 2006007YEH
2. Introducing Space Exploration into Engineering Curricula Baker, John 2006028BAK
3. A Longitudinal Study of Mechanical Engineering Student
Performance on the FCI, Phase I
Pardue, Sally J.
Darvennes, Corinne
Engelhardt, Paula
4. Effectiveness and LMTD Correction Factor of the Cross Flow Exchanger: A Simplified and Unified Treatment Jeter, Sheldon M. 2006092JET